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Series 是 K-V 类型,K(index)和 V(Data),类比 Python 的字典类型。

其中,index不是 Series 的一个 column,Series 没有 column,index只是将index label与一组data element做映射。

一个 Series 代表一组数据(eg:某国家 GDP,index 为年代,data 为 GDP 值)。Dataframe 是 Series 的集合(eg:全球 GDP,包括全部国家)。



  • concat: Concatenate (appends) different objects either row or column-wise
  • append: Appends one object to another row or column-wise
  • join: Merge dataframes using indexes
  • merge: Merge dataframes using indexes or columns

DataFrame 之间的合并:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Understanding the different types of joins:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Suppose we have two datasets:
# Left:
# | key | L  |
# |-----+----|
# | 1   | L1 |
# | 2   | L2 |
# | 3   | L3 |
# Right:
# | key | R  |
# |-----+----|
# | 3   | R3 |
# | 4   | R4 |
# | 5   | R5 |
# We want to merge the Right and Left tables using the column `key`.
# As you can see, there are some values of `key` that appear only on the `Left`
# table, some that appear only in the `Right` table, and some that are common to
# both tables. We can think of a merge between these two tables as following:
# Left:                   Right:              Merged
# | key | L  | Join type    | key | R  | Result   | key | L   | R   |
# | 1   | L1 | -----------> | 3   | R3 | -------> | ... | ... | ... |
# | 2   | L2 |              | 4   | R4 |          | ... | ... | ... |
# | 3   | L3 |              | 5   | R5 |
# The resulting table will depend on the type of join:
# - Left join: Keep all the keys of the left table (Left)
# Left:                   Right:              Merged
# |key| L |   Left Join   |key| R |  Result   |key| L | R |
# |1  | L1|  -----------> |3  | R3|  -------> |1  | L1|NaN|
# |2  | L2|               |4  | R4|           |2  | L2|NaN|
# |3  | L3|               |5  | R5|           |3  | L3| R3|
# - Right join: Keep all the keys of the right table (Right)
# Left:                   Right:              Merged
# | key | L  | Right Join   | key | R  | Result   | key | L   | R  |
# | 1   | L1 | -----------> | 3   | R3 | -------> | 3   | L3  | R3 |
# | 2   | L2 |              | 4   | R4 |          | 4   | NaN | R4 |
# | 3   | L3 |              | 5   | R5 |          | 5   | NaN | R5 |
# - Inner join: Keep only the keys that exist in both left and right
# Left:                   Right:              Merged
# |key| L |  Inner Join   |key| R |  Result   |key| L | R |
# |1  | L1|  -----------> |3  | R3|  -------> |3  | L3| R3|
# |2  | L2|               |4  | R4|
# |3  | L3|               |5  | R5|
# - Outer join: Keep all the keys in left and right
# Left:                   Right:              Merged
# |key| L |  Outer Join   |key| R |  Result   |key| L | R |
# |1  | L1|  -----------> |3  | R3|  -------> |1  | L1|NaN|
# |2  | L2|               |4  | R4|           |2  | L2|NaN|
# |3  | L3|               |5  | R5|           |3  | L3| R3|
#                                             |4  |NaN| R4|
#                                             |5  |NaN| R5|


loc 可以筛选指定的行列。在二维矩阵中按照[横坐标,竖坐标] 顺序。

import pandas as pd
data = {
    'AUD/USD': [ 0.7280, 0.7209, np.nan, 0.7263, 0.7281, 0.7285,],
    'EUR/AUD': [ 1.6232, 1.6321, 1.6221, 1.6282, np.nan, 1.6288,],
index = [ '2020-09-08', '2020-09-09', '2020-09-10', '2020-09-11', '2020-09-14', '2020-09-15',]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index)

例如df.loc['2020-09-09':'2020-09-11'],返回 2020-09-09 到 2020-09-11 之间的数据(注意是闭区间)。

                        AUD/USD EUR/AUD
2020-09-09  0.7209  1.6321
2020-09-10  NaN         1.6221
2020-09-11  0.7263  1.6282

特别的,当截止点(2020-09-11)不存在时,DataFrame 返回从开始点起的全部数据,例如df.loc['2020-09-09':'ThisObviouslyWontExistAsAnIndex'] ,返回从 2020-09-09 开始的全部数据。

Pandas 会尝试匹配索引的第一个字符(基于 ASCII),并返回从当前匹配值到index结尾的全部结果。

例如:index=['ce','de','ge','ie'],那么当df.loc['c']会返回全部值(从匹配的 c 到结束)。

实现原理为 Pandas 的serachsorted算法,参见Pandas 实现

import pandas as pd

t1 = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3], index=['ce','de','ge','ie'])

# Test 1. 返回全部('6'的ASCII小于'ce',则返回全部)
print("--- --- ---")
# Test 2. 返回de至结束
print("--- --- ---")
# Test 3. 返回空('p'的ASCII大于'i',返回空)
print("--- --- ---")


可以在 loc 函数中进行布尔运算,只展示指定行&列。

例如:cond = rec['Action']=='up'

# In:

# Out:
#  Date
#  2012-02-16 07:42:00    False
#  2012-02-16 13:53:00    False
#  2012-02-17 06:17:00    False
#  2012-03-26 07:31:00     True
#  2012-05-22 05:57:00    False
#                         ...
#  2020-09-23 09:11:01    False
#  2020-09-23 11:15:12     True
#  2020-09-23 14:18:13    False
#  2020-09-23 16:16:17    False
#  2020-10-08 10:15:39     True
#  Name: action, Length: 358, dtype: bool


# In:

# Out:
#                                      firm        to_grade    from_grade action
#  Date
#  2012-03-26 07:31:00           Wunderlich             Buy           NaN     up
#  2012-09-17 05:46:00       Morgan Stanley      Overweight       Neutral     up
#  2013-07-26 06:35:48        Deutsche Bank             Buy          Hold     up
#  2013-10-15 06:51:28              Wedbush      Outperform       Neutral     up
#  2013-11-07 09:58:27  Standpoint Research            Hold          Sell     up
#  ...                                  ...             ...           ...    ...
#  2020-09-23 08:56:18       Morgan Stanley    Equal-Weight   Underweight     up
#  2020-09-23 08:58:42          Cowen & Co.  Market Perform  Underperform     up
#  2020-09-23 09:00:03         Roth Capital         Neutral          Sell     up
#  2020-09-23 11:15:12        Deutsche Bank             Buy          Hold     up
#  2020-10-08 10:15:39           New Street             Buy       Neutral     up
#  [39 rows x 4 columns]

这里返回的是满足条件的 dataframe。


  1. 条件cond只有值起作用,与索引不关,换句话说,cond也可写作cond.values
  2. 注意cond的长度必须与 df 一致,否则会报错,比如rec[cond[:-2]]这样就会报错。

  3. 运算符也可以作用于 Columns,比如这样rec.loc[:, [True, False, False, False]],(只返回为 True 的 Columns)

   # Out:
   #                                    firm
   #  Date
   #  2012-02-16 07:42:00          JP Morgan
   #  2012-02-16 13:53:00         Wunderlich
   #  2012-02-17 06:17:00         Oxen Group
   #  2012-03-26 07:31:00         Wunderlich
   #  2012-05-22 05:57:00        Maxim Group
   #  ...                                ...
   #  2020-09-23 09:11:01         Wunderlich
   #  2020-09-23 11:15:12      Deutsche Bank
   #  2020-09-23 14:18:13  Canaccord Genuity
   #  2020-09-23 16:16:17              Baird
   #  2020-10-08 10:15:39         New Street
   #  [358 rows x 1 columns]
  1. 可以把行列条件联合起来,比如:rec.loc[cond, [False, False, True, True]]
# Out:
#                         from_grade action
#  Date
#  2012-03-26 07:31:00           NaN     up
#  2012-09-17 05:46:00       Neutral     up
#  2013-07-26 06:35:48          Hold     up
#  2013-10-15 06:51:28       Neutral     up
#  2013-11-07 09:58:27          Sell     up
#  ...                           ...    ...
#  2020-09-23 08:56:18   Underweight     up
#  2020-09-23 08:58:42  Underperform     up
#  2020-09-23 09:00:03          Sell     up
#  2020-09-23 11:15:12          Hold     up
#  2020-10-08 10:15:39       Neutral     up
#  [39 rows x 2 columns]


rec[rec == 'up'] = 'UP'

# In:

# Out:
#                                    firm    to_grade from_grade action
#  Date
#  2012-02-16 07:42:00          JP Morgan  Overweight        NaN   main
#  2012-02-16 13:53:00         Wunderlich        Hold        NaN   down
#  2012-02-17 06:17:00         Oxen Group         Buy        NaN   init
#  2012-03-26 07:31:00         Wunderlich         Buy        NaN     UP
#  2012-05-22 05:57:00        Maxim Group         Buy        NaN   init
#  ...                                ...         ...        ...    ...
#  2020-09-23 09:11:01         Wunderlich        Sell        Buy   down
#  2020-09-23 11:15:12      Deutsche Bank         Buy       Hold     UP
#  2020-09-23 14:18:13  Canaccord Genuity        Hold        NaN   main
#  2020-09-23 16:16:17              Baird     Neutral        NaN   main
#  2020-10-08 10:15:39         New Street         Buy    Neutral     UP
#  [358 rows x 4 columns]

使用.loc[]也可,比如再把名字改回去:rec.loc[rec['action'] == 'UP', :] = 'up'

# Out:
#                                    firm    to_grade from_grade action
#  Date
#  2012-02-16 07:42:00          JP Morgan  Overweight        NaN   main
#  2012-02-16 13:53:00         Wunderlich        Hold        NaN   down
#  2012-02-17 06:17:00         Oxen Group         Buy        NaN   init
#  2012-03-26 07:31:00                 up          up         up     up
#  2012-05-22 05:57:00        Maxim Group         Buy        NaN   init
#  ...                                ...         ...        ...    ...
#  2020-09-23 09:11:01         Wunderlich        Sell        Buy   down
#  2020-09-23 11:15:12                 up          up         up     up
#  2020-09-23 14:18:13  Canaccord Genuity        Hold        NaN   main
#  2020-09-23 16:16:17              Baird     Neutral        NaN   main
#  2020-10-08 10:15:39                 up          up         up     up
#  [358 rows x 4 columns]

组合逻辑表达式筛选,可以用 python 的逻辑运算符,也可以使用str.contains()

例如:crit = (rec['action'] == 'up') | (rec['action'] == 'down')

例如:crit = rec['action'].str.contains('up|down')


# In:

# Out:
#                                    firm      to_grade from_grade action
#  Date
#  2012-02-16 13:53:00         Wunderlich          Hold        NaN   down
#  2012-03-26 07:31:00                 up            up         up     up
#  2012-07-18 06:43:00         Wunderlich          Sell        Buy   down
#  2012-09-17 05:46:00                 up            up         up     up
#  2013-02-21 06:53:02    Bank of America  Underperform    Neutral   down
#  ...                                ...           ...        ...    ...
#  2020-09-23 09:02:03               CFRA          Sell       Hold   down
#  2020-09-23 09:03:16  China Renaissance          Hold        Buy   down
#  2020-09-23 09:11:01         Wunderlich          Sell        Buy   down
#  2020-09-23 11:15:12                 up            up         up     up
#  2020-10-08 10:15:39                 up            up         up     up
#  [97 rows x 4 columns]


cols_to_drop = [

df = ds.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1)


df['Col_name']['idx'] = 10


read_csv()从 csv 读入

data = pd.read_csv('Advertising.csv', index_col=0);

首行为 index 列名。

或者指定 names 列名:

names : array-like, optional List of column names to use. If file contains no header row, then you should explicitly pass header=None. Duplicates in this list are not allowed.

pandas.read_csv — pandas 0.25.1 documentation

to_numpy() 转化 numpy

ndata = data.to_numpy()

to_numpy()只支持 0.24 版本以上 pandas,旧版本使用: ndata = data.to_numpy()