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  • education
  • technology
  • media
  • social environment


  • environmental protection
  • globalization
  • female
  • government investment
  • cirme
  • family
  • culture
  • animal protection



Q: What Why How?

OP: XX and XXX of this social trend are elaborated on in this essay.

BP1: Ther are several causes leading to this social phenomenon. The main reason is that XXX. Another point worth noting is that XX.

BP2: To address this problem, effective measures should be adopted in no time. First, the government is expected to play an essential role in coping with this situation. XX(拓展说). Second, the media should also make a joint effort with the authority.

EP: According to the analysis presented above, XX and XXX are main reasons resulting in the current situation, The government and the media should join efforts in reversing this disturbing issue.


Q: discuss both views and give your opinion

BP1: Some people in favor of XX(论点) hold the reason that XXX.

BP2: On the other hand, other people on the opposite side argue that XXX.

EP: From my perspective, we should accept a compromise between these two statements. (Give reasons...)

最常 agree or disagree

Q: to what extent do you agree or disagree

OP: Backgrounds. From my point of view, I completely agree with this statement.


BP2: What's more (Another point noting is that), XXX.

BP3: Admittedly, there are some downsides associated with the opinion.

EP: According to the analysis presented above, XXX.

次常 advantages & disadvantages

Q: do you think the advantages of this trend of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?


First 5 minutes

  • analyze the question
    • How many parts are there?
    • What is the topic and task type?
    • What are the limits?
    • What is my opinion?
  • brainstorm some ideas
  • make a brief plan (write down)


  • The rapid growth of emerging economies has fuelled controversy over how to define successful countries.