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Q: It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live with their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

When it comes to education, different people have different opinions among whether students should live with their parents or live far away home during their university career. Some people prefer they should go to another city instead of stay in hometown. I think live in another city is more beneficial for students' development if conditions permit.

Students who live in the dormitory can gain the relationship with their roommates, which can gain their social cycle. If students still living with their parents, he has no chance to meet new friends from the campus apartment. Either can they share different local customs from their hometown to each other.

Furthermore, live in another city means they can broaden their horizon, they'ss see different scenery and meet different people.

Despite the above benefits of living at home, living on campus would offer more advantages, for students' growth in various aspects. To begin with, students tend to be more independent, many of them enjoyed the care and attention from parents, being away from their parents can let them learn how to deal with problems by themselves. Independence is an important factor required for students to succeed in academic research.

In addition, living in university is an effective way for students to develop their social skills when they share a room with other students coming from various backgrounds, they know how to live together with those people, some students are self-centered and only care about their own feelings before they attend university. The dormitory is a community where young people become mature very fast.