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Q:Children's education is expensive. In some countries, the government pays some or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

Education is the first priority for many families, However, the tuition fee is increasing continually and become a growing burden for inhabitants in recent years. In some part of the world, the authority will pay some or even all costs involved for the family. People often find themselves in a dilemma whether the advantages overweigh the disadvantages. From my point of view, I think this regulation can benefit more to both inhabitant and the government.

Firstly, the reduce of families' expenditure on education means there'll be more student can receive education. Students from underprivileged family can avoid dropped out from school. Without the ordinance, they have to seek a job at such young age to make a living instead of receiving education as others. Everyone has rights to receive education, it can't be despoiled by the financial situation. This ordinance can ensure the right to education for everyone.

However, we should not be blind to the downside of the government-funded education. As the budget allocated to education is limited, through government gives priority to education, there's still a large variety of social topics need to budget, we should consider that the financial situation for some countries which can not afford such financial budget. Furthermore, since children don't need to pay for their courses, they may not try their best to receive knowledge. Some of them may not appreciate the effort that schools and teachers have put in, which can result in disrespect and improper attitudes.

To sum up, I believe that paying for children’s study costs will be more beneficial even though there are some minor disadvantages.