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Q: Some people think that all young people should be required to have full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Education plays an essential role in contemporary society, People often find them in a dilemma when discussing whether all young students should be required to have a full-time education. From my perspective, I mainly agree that full-time education should be given, despite some shortcoming.

It is generally acknowledged that attend full-time school is the most efficient way to obtain useful knowledge and skills. The curriculum has been specifically designed to balance theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Students can learn a large variety of knowledge from art to science. And that can choose the subject based on their interest to study in advance during the coming college life.

Furthermore, the full-time school provides a variety kinds of facilities to broaden their horizons like labs, student union center, and library which part-time class doesn't. In addition, students can expand their social circle and gain power and knowledge from their classmates. During the recess, they can share feelings and thoughts with each other.

However, we had to admit that students have their own opinion to choose full-time or half-time study. Some of them prefer to learn useful skills from labor activities instead of academic course. Some student has no choice but part-time study because their families can not afford the tuition which full-time school required.

To sum up, I think most students should stay in school until 18. On the other hand, the government should issue some policy to ensure that even teenagers from impoverished families can attend school as normal students.
