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Q: Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places?

In contemporary society, there is an increasing tendency that more visitors from another city visit museums and historical tourist attractions than natives. The reason and solution of this social trend are elaborated on in this essay.

There are several causes leading to this social phenomenon, the main reason is that the historical tourist attractions are a shortcut to understanding local culture for visitors, the local fine arts like painting and artifact are displayed and the folk opera can be watched as well. They can even interact with artists, those museums have been seen a tourist spot for the visitors, they can have a lot of fun during visiting. In addition, there ate souvenir shops in art exhibition hall so tourists can buy souvenirs as a memorial for the trip.

To address this problem, effective measures should be adopted in no time. First, the local authority should play an essential role in coping with this situation. They should provide a discount or coupon for local citizens to encourage them to visit museums more often and let them know more about their hometown. Secondly, school and college should also make a joint effort with the government, they can assist museums to hold various kinds of activities like reading festival or culture competition for natives to broaden their horizons, Only by this can let natives get involved as more as possible. In fact, many citizens don't know where to go during their weekends to learn new things or have a relax, exhibition hall with so many activities provides a place for them to leisure.

According to the analysis presented above, the expensive ticket and lack of activities are main reasons resulting in the current situation. The government and school should join efforts in reversing this disturbing issue.