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Q: Some people think it is more important to plant more tree in open areas in towns and cities than provide more housing. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

In many parts of the world, especially urban area, there's a trend that people plant more trees and flowers in open areas instead of constructing more housing. People often find themselves in a dilemma whether it should be encouraged or not. From my point of view, although some benefit can be given from this movement. I mainly disagree with this statements.

As to whether it is worthwhile for the local authority to plant trees than construct house, there is a long-running controversial debate. From my point of view, although some benefit can be given from this movement. I mainly disagree with this statements.

I had to admit that plant more trees can reduce the air pollution and greenhouse effect. By the development of industry, the air quality has gone from bad to worse. Nowadays, many citizens suffer from lung diseases due to the poor air quality. By those trees planted, the chance of breathing disease can be reduced, and the living standard can be improved.

However, I still think that housing estate should be built. In many countries, the housing demand is increasing continuously, if we still plant trees in urban zones, it will greatly raise the housing price which the majority can not afford. Not to mention the low-end person. Lack of shelter can cause a series of social problems. So it's necessary to construct more housing and apartment. Only by this way can reduce the peoples' living expenditure.

Another point worth mentioning is that build more house also attract that person who lives in the rural area to the downtown. The increasing population of the city can create more job opportunity can increase the economic development.

To sum up, through plant trees in the urban area can purify air and protect the environment. It's considerable to construct more housing estate to deal with the increasing demand. I believe the government can balance the demand between the environment and shelter.

开头的背景介绍多余,而且没有根据。论证方式没有找准:比如讨论 为什么我觉得还是应该多造houses。在这种情况下,我们需要多造房子来accommodate them。首先应该用 解释论证说明原因,因为大城市不断发展,完善的基础设施建设和丰富的教育就业资源吸引很多rural population flock into the downtown