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Q: People today can shop, work and communicate with others via the Internet instead of face to face communication. Is it a positive or negative development?

We live in the information explosion era with more and more cutting-edge technology developed. Nowadays, we can chat with friends online instantly instead of making appointments and chat face to face. People often find themselves in a dilemma when discussing whether it's a positive or negative development. From my perspective, although some shortcoming exists, it still can be viewed in a positive light.

Thanks to the Internet, we can have a flexible schedule in the modern society, which means we can work, recreate and chat anytime, we don't need to set a timetable and commute in a subway packed with people. Due to the fewer commute hours, we have more time to entertain than the past.

Furthermore, there are a huge amount of resources on the Internet. You can easily check the definition in the online encyclopedia when you hear a new term instead of asking someone else. The Internet is also efficient when you face issues during business hours, other Internet users share their experience on blogs or forums. By using those posts, we can handle it easily and avoid the pitfalls. The Internet can improve our work efficiency obviously.

However, there are some downsides associated with the opinion. If everyone deal with problems by themselves, it will affect the team cooperation spirit. If family member chats online instead of communicating face to face. The harmony will also be suffered.

According to the analysis above, by the convenient and efficiency given, Internet will influence our real-world society at the same time. We should use it in a rational way.