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Q: In many countries, people like to eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

with the development of technique and economy. People can enjoy food from all over the world instead of local area. People find themselves in a dilemma discussing whether the advantage of this trend overweight the disadvantages. From my perspective, I think it can mainly be seen in a positive way despite some negative points.

Firstly, a wide variety of food can highly raise our living standards. Costumer can buy nutrition food which comes from another area or continents at a reasonable price. They can choose food from a large variety of ingredients instead of suffering from limited local ingredients and traditional cuisine. Furthermore, it can promote the international trade as well, The increasing global demand to stimulate the productivity of the agriculture place of origin, push them to provide high-quality goods at a reasonable price.

I have to admit that the invasion f foreign food may impact the local food culture, which will be harder to advocate the traditional cuisine. In the long run, the local food culture will be exposed to the danger of extinction.

To sum up, the expansion of food species bring benefits to citizens. But we need to caution the potential threat to the local food industry as well.