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汉语学习 HSK

All notes based on HSK textbook.

呢 --询问处所


  • 我爸爸呢? Where is my dad?
  • 桌子上的苹果呢? Where is the apple on the table?
  • 小明呢? Where is XiaoMing?
  • 昨天买的书呢? Where's the book we bought yesterday?

Another example of 呢: * 我才不怕你呢。 I am not afraid of you. * 你觉得呢? What about you?

In addition, this word is often used in rhetorical questions.除此之外,这个句子在反问句中也经常用到。

eg: * 你怎么能浪费时间呢? * 苹果和橘子怎么能是一样的呢?

Furthermore, it can be the emphasized word in a sentence.有时,“呢”也会在句子中作强调成分。

eg: * 我还以为你不喜欢苹果呢! * 小红准(一定)以为小明喜欢她呢!

Or a question.或者是疑问句。

eg: * 小明最喜欢的水果是什么呢? * 你怎么去分辨苹果的种类呢?

简单趋向补语 Simple Complements of Direction

来 = come 去 = go.

Think the position of the speaker first. The word 来 and 去 are based on the position and place of the speaker.


  • 明天早上八点来公司。Come to the company at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. (The speaker may be your boss. This conversation may take place at his company.)
  • 我明天早上八天要去公司。 I will go to the company at 8 AM tomorrow morning.(The speaker may be your girlfriend or wife. This conversation may take place at your home or accommodation.)
  • 跟我来吧。 Follow me & Come with me.
  • 我们明天去找小明玩吧。 Let's hang out with XiaoMing tomorrow.(“我“和”你”是在一起的,而小明不在。"You" and "me" are altogether here, but XiaoMing is not.)
  • 你去医院了吗?Have you been to the hospital?(“我“和”你”是在一起的,而医院是“你”离开“我”【去】的另一个地方。"You" and "me" are together,but the hospital is another place where "you" leaves "me" to go.)
  • 你来医院找我吧。Come and find me in the hospital.("我"和“医院”是在一起的(“我”是医生或者患者),而“你”是要来接近“我”的。"I" and "hospital" are together (Maybe I'm a doctor or patient), and "you" are going to go toward with "me".)

那 So

eg: * 苹果没有了,那我只好吃香蕉了。No apples left, so I have to eat bananas. * 那么,你想要和我们一起玩儿吗?So, do you want to play with us? * 那可真是个好地方。That is a really good place. * 既然外面下雨了,那我们也只好改天去公园了。 * “听说小红考上北京大学了。”“那她一定很开心。”


eg: * 你对什么感兴趣? * 我对书法感兴趣。 * 小明对韩语一点儿都不感兴趣。

时段的表达 To express a period of time

eg: * 老王在医院工作了三十年,他已经是名老中医了。 * 小王学习了一年的中医,他希望能成为一名想他爸爸那样的名医。 * 小明在这里等等了20分钟的公交了。(说话的语境是,小明仍然在等公交)

看懂 / 看不懂

听懂 means to understand something (by hearing).

看懂 means to understand something (by watching).

听不懂 means can not understand something (by hearing).

eg: * 我看不懂乌尔都文。 I can't read Urdu. * 我听不懂小明的话。 I did not catch what XiaoMing said.

不 / 没

不 negative something you don't want to do or you do not intend to do in the future.(Subjective)

没 negative something that happened in the past or a objective fact.(Objective)

  • 他不结婚。He's not married yet (because he do not want to)
  • 他没结婚。He is not married yet(describe an objective status only)
  • 她一口饭也不吃。She didn't eat a meal(Subjective willing,maybe she is angry, or she may not satisfied with the chief)
  • 她一口饭也没吃。She didn't eat a meal.(describe an objective status)

Chinese Grammar: 不(bù) VS 没 (méi) The ULTIMATE Lesson! - Learn Mandarin Chinese

或者 / 还是

Both 还是 and 或者 means "or" in English, but they are very different in Chinese.

还是 means the speaker does not know which one or which situation in the sentense.

或者 means the speaker is telling others that there are several possibilities.

eg: * 你喜欢苹果还是香蕉?Do you like apple or banana? * 这是邮件还是广告?Is it a mail or a spam(ad)? * 我喜欢去公园或者大学散步。I like to go to the park or the university for a walk. * 我明天或者后天去杭州。I will go to Hangzhou tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. * 你可以坐公交或者地铁来我家。You can come to my home by bus or subway(metro). * 你想要喝茶还是咖啡?Do you want tea or coffee? * 我们可以用Skype或者邮件联系。We can contact each other by Skype or email. * 你可以坐地铁1号线或者地铁4号线来学校。You can take the subway line 1 or line 4 to the school. * 每天下午小明都去游泳或者跑步。Xiaoming swim or run every afternoon. * 小明周末想去看电影或者唱歌。Xiaoming wants to go for movies or karaoke at the weekend.